FlyBase Controlled Vocabulary
108 terms(s) returned
Term Type: Class | Record: 1 to 50 of 108 Records | Page: 1 of 3, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- P-stage
- p-block element atom
- p-block molecular entity
- pair of interacting organisms
- pair rule phenotype
- paralytic
- part of a landmass
- partially lethal
- partially lethal - majority die
- partially lethal - majority live
- particle
- particle of clay
- particle of sand
- particle of silt
- particulate environmental material
- pattern specification process
- pedosphere
- perception behavior by means
- permafrost
- pharate adult
- pharate adult stage
- pharate adult stage P10
- pharate adult stage P11
- pharate adult stage P11(i)
- pharate adult stage P11(ii)
- pharate adult stage P12
- pharate adult stage P12(i)
- pharate adult stage P12(ii)
- pharate adult stage P13
- pharate adult stage P14
- pharate adult stage P15
- pharate adult stage P15(i)
- pharate adult stage P15(ii)
- pharate adult stage P8
- pharate adult stage P9
- pharmaceutical
- pharmacological role
- phenotype
- phenotypic class
- photoperiod response variant
- photoperiodism
- photoreceptor
- phototaxis
- physical object quality
- physical quality
- physical quality of a process
- physiological role
- piece of rock
- planet
- planetary crust