FlyBase Controlled Vocabulary
1633 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 51 to 100 of 1633 Records | Page: 2 of 33, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- Nama Karoo Ecoregion
- Namib Desert Ecoregion
- Namibian Savanna Woodland Ecoregion
- Northwestern Thorn Scrub Forests
- Nullarbor Plains Xeric Shrubland Ecoregion
- OBI_0100026
- Oman and United Arab Emirates Ecoregion
- Oman, Yemen, and Saudi Arabia Ecoregion
- P-stage
- Pilbara Shrublands Ecoregion
- Q525
- RD
- RO_0002259
- Red Sea Coastal Desert Ecoregion
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolite
- Simpson Desert Region
- Socotran Archipelago Ecoregion
- Solar radiation
- Somali Montane Xeric Woodland Ecoregion
- Succulent Karoo Ecoregion
- Systematic synonym
- Thar Desert
- The Great Sandy-Tanami Desert Ecoregion
- Tirari-Sturt Stony Desert Ecoregion
- Western Australian Mulga Shrublands Ecoregion
- Yemen and Saudi Arabia Ecoregion
- Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and Oman Ecoregion
- _upper_level
- abnormal
- abnormal DNA repair
- abnormal adult locomotory behavior
- abnormal adult walking behavior
- abnormal aging
- abnormal anesthesia-resistant memory
- abnormal auditory perception
- abnormal axis specification
- abnormal behavior
- abnormal body color
- abnormal body size
- abnormal body weight
- abnormal cell
- abnormal cell adhesion
- abnormal cell cycle
- abnormal cell death
- abnormal cell growth
- abnormal cell migration
- abnormal cell number
- abnormal cell polarity
- abnormal cell shape