FlyBase Controlled Vocabulary
1633 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1051 to 1100 of 1633 Records | Page: 22 of 33, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- mass of environmental material
- mass of fluid
- mass of gas
- mass of ice and snow
- mass of liquid
- mass of solid material
- material accumulation process
- material anatomical entity
- material anatomical entity
- material congelation process
- material entity
- material transformation process
- material transport process
- mating
- mating behavior
- mature adult stage
- maximally connected
- mechanosensory system
- medium-term memory
- meiotic cell cycle
- meiotic cell cycle process
- meiotic nuclear division
- melanotic mass phenotype
- melanotic necrosis
- member of
- membrane fission
- membrane organization
- memory
- mereotopologically related to
- metabolic process
- metabolite
- metal atom
- metallic material
- micronutrient
- mineral
- mineral material
- mitotic cell cycle
- mitotic cell cycle process
- mitotic cell cycle, embryonic
- mitotic nuclear division
- modifier of variegation
- molecular entity
- molecule
- mononuclear parent hydride
- morphogenesis of a polarized epithelium
- morphogenesis of an epithelium
- morphology
- motile cell
- motor coordination
- mouse metabolite