FlyBase Controlled Vocabulary
1633 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1301 to 1350 of 1633 Records | Page: 27 of 33, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- prepupal stage P2
- prepupal stage P3
- prepupal stage P4
- prepupal stage P4(i)
- prepupal stage P4(ii)
- present
- presumptive embryonic/larval central nervous system
- presumptive embryonic/larval integumentary system
- presumptive embryonic/larval nervous system
- presumptive embryonic/larval system
- primary metabolic process
- primordium
- proboscis extension reflex
- procephalic neurogenic region
- procephalic segment
- process
- process efficacy
- process has causal agent
- process quality
- produced by
- produces
- prokaryotic metabolite
- propellant
- protic solvent
- protocerebrum
- protophilic solvent
- pupa
- pupal stage
- pupal stage P5
- pupal stage P5(i)
- pupal stage P5(ii)
- pupal stage P6
- pupal stage P7
- qualitative
- quality
- quality
- quality of
- quality of a gas
- quality of a liquid
- quality of a solid
- quality of a substance
- quality of interaction of a substance with electromagnetic radiation
- quantitative
- radiation
- radiation from a manufactured product
- radiation resistant
- radiation sensitive
- rate
- rate of continuous process
- reagent