FlyBase Controlled Vocabulary
96 terms(s) returned
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- IAO_0000700
- IAO_0100001
- Ile Europa and Bassas da India Ecoregion
- InChI
- InChIKey
- Indo-Malay Ecoregion
- ice
- ice accumulation process
- ice mass
- ice planet
- ice-bearing permafrost
- id
- imaginal disc
- imaginal disc primordium
- imaginal tissue
- immaterial anatomical entity
- immaterial entity
- immature adult stage
- immediately preceded by
- immediately precedes
- immune response
- immune system process
- inSubset
- in_response_to
- increased amount
- increased body size
- increased body weight
- increased cell death
- increased cell growth rate
- increased cell number
- increased cell size
- increased efficacy
- increased efficacy of anesthesia-resistant memory
- increased efficacy of learning
- increased efficacy of long-term memory
- increased efficacy of medium-term memory
- increased efficacy of memory
- increased efficacy of short-term memory
- increased fecundity
- increased fecundity
- increased female fertility
- increased fertility
- increased in magnitude relative to
- increased male fertility
- increased mass
- increased mortality
- increased mortality during development
- increased object quality