FlyBase Controlled Vocabulary
104 terms(s) returned
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- Madagascar Spiny Thickets Ecoregion
- Madagascar Succulent Woodlands Ecoregion
- Masai Xeric Grasslands and Shrublands Ecoregion
- Minute
- macromolecule
- macromolecule metabolic process
- macronutrient
- main group element atom
- main group molecular entity
- majority die during P-stage
- majority die during embryonic stage
- majority die during first instar larval stage
- majority die during immature adult stage
- majority die during larval stage
- majority die during pharate adult stage
- majority die during prepupal stage
- majority die during pupal stage
- majority die during second instar larval stage
- majority die during third instar larval stage
- male courtship behavior
- male courtship behavior, veined wing extension
- male courtship behavior, veined wing generated song production
- male courtship behavior, veined wing vibration
- male fertile
- male fertile
- male fertility
- male mating behavior
- male semi-fertile
- male semi-fertile
- male semi-sterile
- male semi-sterile
- male sterile
- male sterile
- male sterile germline-dependent
- male sterile soma-dependent
- mammalian metabolite
- manufactured product
- manufacturing process
- mass
- mass of compounded environmental materials
- mass of environmental material
- mass of fluid
- mass of gas
- mass of ice and snow
- mass of liquid
- mass of solid material
- material accumulation process
- material anatomical entity
- material anatomical entity
- material congelation process