Flora Phenotype Ontology
1249 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 1249 Records | Page: 1 of 25, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- I first mitotic division stage
- IAO_0000111
- IAO_0000112
- IAO_0000114
- IAO_0000117
- IAO_0000118
- IAO_0000119
- IAO_0000231
- IAO_0000232
- IAO_0000233
- IAO_0000233
- IAO_0000412
- IAO_0000424
- IAO_0000589
- IAO_0000600
- IE.00 inflorescence tip just visible above flag leaf sheath stage
- IE.01 1/4 of inflorescence emerged from flag leaf sheath stage
- IE.02 1/2 of inflorescence emerged from flag leaf sheath stage
- IE.03 3/4 of inflorescence emerged from flag leaf sheath stage
- IE.04 inflorescence fully emerged from flag leaf sheath stage
- IL.00 inflorescence just visible stage
- IL.01 1/4 inflorescence length reached stage
- IL.02 1/2 inflorescence length reached stage
- IL.03 full inflorescence length reached stage
- Insecta
- ictal
- id
- idioblast
- immaterial anatomical entity
- immaterial entity
- immature
- immature Schwann cell
- immature eye
- immature neutrophil
- immediate transformation of
- immediately causally downstream of
- immediately causally upstream of
- immediately deep to
- immediately preceded by
- immediately precedes
- immobile
- immobile relative to
- immortal
- immune effector process
- immune organ
- immune response
- immune system
- immune system development
- immune system process
- immunoglobulin gamma Fc receptor II/III/IV