Flora Phenotype Ontology
174 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 174 Records | Page: 1 of 4, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae mating type
- Schizosaccharomyces pombe mating type
- saccular
- saddle-shaped
- salinity
- saturated blue
- saturated brown
- saturated cyan
- saturated green
- saturated magenta
- saturated orange
- saturated purple
- saturated red
- saturated violet
- saturated yellow
- scalar_slim
- scalene triangular
- scalloped
- scaly
- scaphoid
- scarred
- scirrhous
- scrobiculate
- sculpted surface
- scute-like
- secondary
- segmental
- segmented
- self-renewal
- semi erect
- semi-deciduous(plant)
- semi-fertile
- semi-lethal (sensu genetics)
- semi-viable
- semicircular
- senescent
- sensitive toward
- sensitivity of a process
- sensitivity of a process to oxygen
- sensitivity to irradiation
- sensitivity to oxygen
- sensitivity toward
- sepal-like
- separated from
- separating
- sequential hermaphrodite
- serous
- serrated
- serration
- sessile (sensu botany)