Flora Phenotype Ontology
55 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 55 Records | Page: 1 of 2, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- T Martinotti morphology
- T-shaped
- tangled
- tapered
- tapered size
- teardrop-shaped
- telescopic
- temperature
- temporal distribution quality
- temporally extended
- tendency
- tendrilous
- tension
- terminal
- tetraploid
- texture
- thermoplastic
- thickness
- tholiform
- threshold
- tight
- tightly articulated with
- time
- tolerant to
- tomentose
- tonicity
- torsioned
- totipotent
- trabecular
- transformed to
- transient
- translucent
- transmural
- transparent
- transverse orientation
- transversely fractured
- transversely striated
- trapezoid
- triangular
- tricuspidate
- trilobed
- trinucleate
- tripartite
- triploid
- tripodal
- triradiate
- trisomy
- trophic quality
- trough shaped
- trumpet-shaped