Flora Phenotype Ontology
235 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 235 Records | Page: 1 of 5, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- whole plant 2-D shape
- whole plant acaulescent
- whole plant acuminate
- whole plant adhesive
- whole plant adhesivity
- whole plant age
- whole plant alternate placement
- whole plant amount
- whole plant angular
- whole plant annual
- whole plant aquatic
- whole plant arborescent
- whole plant arched
- whole plant architecture
- whole plant aromatic
- whole plant aromaticity
- whole plant arrested
- whole plant attachment quality
- whole plant attenuate
- whole plant auriculate
- whole plant autogenous
- whole plant basal to
- whole plant biennial
- whole plant bifurcated
- whole plant bilobed
- whole plant branched
- whole plant branchiness
- whole plant brittle
- whole plant broken
- whole plant brown
- whole plant bulbous
- whole plant caudate
- whole plant caulescent
- whole plant cauliflorous
- whole plant cauline to
- whole plant chamaephytic
- whole plant circinate
- whole plant circular
- whole plant closure
- whole plant coating
- whole plant coiled
- whole plant coiling
- whole plant color
- whole plant color pattern
- whole plant complexity
- whole plant composition
- whole plant concave
- whole plant concave 3-D shape
- whole plant concavity
- whole plant condensed