Influenza Ontology
152 terms(s) returned
Term Type: Class | Record: 1 to 50 of 152 Records | Page: 1 of 4, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- GenBank accession
- GenBank bac_name
- GenBank center_project
- GenBank created_by_person/group
- GenBank district
- GenBank gi
- GenBank length
- GenBank lib_name
- GenBank lot
- GenBank modification date
- GenBank name
- GenBank notes
- GenBank origin_lab
- GenBank prep_date
- GenBank projected_timeline
- GenBank size
- GenBank submission date
- GenBank submission event
- GenBank subtype
- GenBank template_id
- Genbank isolation source
- Genbank reject date
- RNA amount shipped for sequencing
- RNA extraction protocol
- adult
- amplification protocol
- amplified virus preparation
- annotation event
- antibody titer
- antiviral drug
- antiviral treatment
- antiviral treatment date
- bird band identification number
- bird beak length
- bird identification band
- bird length head to beak
- bird wing length flat
- bird wing length unflattened
- collection city
- collection country
- collection district
- collection latitude GPS
- collection location name
- collection longitude GPS
- collection province
- collection quantity
- collection state
- collection sub-district
- collection time
- complementary ribonucleic acid role