Foundational Model of Anatomy Ontology (subset)
7274 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 7151 to 7200 of 7274 Records | Page: 144 of 146, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- Pubic hair
- Pubic part of inferior epigastric artery
- Pubic part of left inferior epigastric artery
- Pubic part of left obturator artery
- Pubic part of obturator artery
- Pubic part of right inferior epigastric artery
- Pubic part of right obturator artery
- Pubic symphysis
- Pubic tributary of inferior epigastric vein
- Pubic tributary of left inferior epigastric vein
- Pubic tributary of right inferior epigastric vein
- Pubic tubercle
- Pubic vein
- Pubis
- Pubo-analis
- Pubocervical ligament
- Pubococcygeal tendon
- Pubococcygeus
- Pubofemoral ligament
- Puboprostatic ligament
- Puboprostaticus
- Puborectalis
- Pubovesicalis
- Pudendal canal
- Pudendal cleft
- Pudendal nerve
- Pudendum
- Pudendum (surface)
- Pulmonary acinus
- Pulmonary alveolar epithelium
- Pulmonary alveolus
- Pulmonary arterial tree organ
- Pulmonary arterial trunk
- Pulmonary artery
- Pulmonary branch of left vagus nerve
- Pulmonary branch of right vagus nerve
- Pulmonary branch of vagus nerve
- Pulmonary capillary
- Pulmonary capillary bed
- Pulmonary fissure
- Pulmonary fissure(space)
- Pulmonary groove
- Pulmonary hilum
- Pulmonary interlobular septum
- Pulmonary interstitial fibroblast
- Pulmonary interstitium
- Pulmonary interstitium of left lower lobe
- Pulmonary interstitium of left upper lobe
- Pulmonary interstitium of lower lobe of lung
- Pulmonary interstitium of middle lobe of lung