FuTRES Ontology of Vertebrate Traits
1064 terms(s) returned
Term Type: Class | Record: 1 to 50 of 1064 Records | Page: 1 of 22, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- DEPRECATED metatarsal bone length
- DEPRECATED upper primary molar tooth 3 occlusal surface width
- acetabula breadth
- acetabulum length (including the lip)
- acetabulum length (to the rim)
- anterior tibial tuberosity length
- astragalus breadth
- astragalus distal articular breadth
- astragalus distal articular depth
- astragalus distal breadth
- astragalus lateral depth
- astragalus lateral length
- astragalus length
- astragalus medial depth
- astragalus medial length
- astragalus trochlea breadth
- atlas breadth
- atlas caudal articular surface breadth
- atlas cranial articular surface breadth
- atlas dorsal arch length
- atlas height
- atlas length
- atlas length between cranial and caudal articular surface
- axis arch length
- axis body length
- axis breadth
- axis caudal articular process breadth
- axis caudal articular surface breadth
- axis cranial articular surface breadth
- axis height
- axis transverse articular process breadth
- basicranium length
- basicranium length from hormion
- basicranium length from synsphenion
- body length with tail
- body length without tail
- bony part of hard palate breadth
- bony part of hard palate length
- breadth of calcaneal body
- calcaneus distal breadth
- calcaneus distal depth
- calcaneus lateral depth
- calcaneus length
- calcaneus proximal breadth
- calcaneus proximal depth
- calcaneus proximal length
- canine tooth anterior-posterior diameter
- canine tooth crown height
- canine tooth medial-lateral diameter
- canine tooth to premolar tooth 3 length