FuTRES Ontology of Vertebrate Traits
249 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 249 Records | Page: 1 of 5, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- ear
- ear epithelium
- ear vesicle
- early pharyngeal endoderm
- early premaxilla
- ecto-epithelium
- ectoderm
- ectoderm of buccopharyngeal membrane
- ectoderm of footplate
- ectoderm-derived structure
- ectodermal part of digestive tract
- ectodermal placode
- ectomeninx
- ectorbitale
- efferent duct
- efferent duct epithelium
- ejaculatory duct
- ejaculatory duct epithelium
- elastic cartilage tissue
- elastic tissue
- elbow
- elbow connective tissue
- elbow joint
- elbow joint primordium
- electroreceptor organ
- embryo
- embryo stage
- embryonic autopod plate
- embryonic cardiovascular system
- embryonic cloaca
- embryonic cloacal epithelium
- embryonic cloacal fold
- embryonic cloacal lumen
- embryonic facial prominence
- embryonic footplate
- embryonic handplate
- embryonic head
- embryonic nasal process
- embryonic post-anal tail
- embryonic skin basal layer
- embryonic structure
- embryonic tagma
- embryonic tissue
- embryonic urethral groove
- embryonic uterus
- embryonic-extraembryonic boundary
- enamel
- enclosed anatomical space
- endo-epithelium
- endocardial cushion