FuTRES Ontology of Vertebrate Traits
89 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 89 Records | Page: 1 of 2, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- obsolete pedal claws
- obsolete trochlea of femur
- obturator artery
- obturator foramen
- obturator nerve
- occipital bone
- occipital region
- ocular adnexa
- ocular refractive media
- ocular surface region
- odontogenic mesenchyme of molar
- odontogenic papilla
- odontogenic papilla of incisor
- odontoid tissue
- olecranon
- olfactory apparatus chamber
- olfactory organ
- olfactory pit
- olfactory placode
- olfactory region
- olfactory system
- ommatidium
- omotransversarius muscle
- open anatomical space
- opisthocranion
- optic choroid
- optic cup
- optic eminence
- optic eminence ectoderm
- optic eminence mesenchyme
- optic eminence surface ectoderm
- optic neural crest
- optic vesicle
- oral cavity
- oral epithelium
- oral epithelium from ectoderm
- oral gland
- oral lamina propria
- oral opening
- orbit of skull
- orbital cavity
- orbital fissure
- orbital region
- organ
- organ cavity
- organ component layer
- organ part
- organ subunit
- organ system subdivision
- organism subdivision