Fission Yeast Phenotype Ontology
94 terms(s) returned
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- C-shaped interphase microtubules
- C-shaped vegetative cell
- cAMP absent from cell
- catalytic activity phenotype
- catalytic activity regulator phenotype
- cell cycle arrest at mitotic G2/M phase transition
- cell cycle arrest at mitotic G2/M phase transition during response to DNA damage
- cell cycle arrest at mitotic G2/M phase transition during starvation
- cell cycle arrest at mitotic G2/M phase transition during stationary phase
- cell cycle arrest at mitotic G2/M phase transition in absence of mitotic DNA replication checkpoint
- cell cycle arrest at mitotic START
- cell cycle arrest in mitotic G1 phase
- cell cycle arrest in mitotic G1 phase in response to pheromone without starvation
- cell cycle arrest in mitotic interphase
- cell cycle arrest phenotype
- cell cycle phenotype
- cell deflation and reinflation
- cell lysis
- cell lysis during cellular response to non-ionic osmotic stress
- cell lysis during cellular response to salt stress
- cell lysis during cytokinesis
- cell lysis during hyphal growth phase
- cell lysis during mating
- cell lysis during mitotic interphase
- cell phenotype
- cell population growth phenotype
- cell population phenotype
- cell population viability
- cell sensitive to mechanical stress
- cell viability
- cell wall invagination into cytoplasm
- cellular component organization phenotype
- cellular metabolism phenotype
- cellular metabolism phenotype during vegetative growth
- cellular physical quality phenotype
- cellular physical quality phenotype during vegetative growth
- cellular pigment accumulation phenotype
- cellular process phenotype
- cellular process phenotype during vegetative growth
- cellular response phenotype
- cellular response phenotype during vegetative growth
- centromere clustering at nuclear periphery during nuclear division in absence of mitotic spindle
- centromeric outer repeat transcript-derived siRNA absent
- centromeric outer repeat transcripts absent
- chromosome loss during mitotic chromosome segregation
- chromosome region localization phenotype
- chromosome region localization phenotype during vegetative growth
- circularized chromosome
- circularized chromosome during mitotic G1 phase
- circularized chromosome during mitotic G2 phase