Fission Yeast Phenotype Ontology
78 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 78 Records | Page: 1 of 2, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- eMTOC absent from cell
- early eMTOC assembly
- ectopic CENP-A containing chromatin assembly
- ectopic CENP-A containing chromatin assembly at pericentromeric heterochromatin
- ectopic actin fusion focus assembly
- ectopic septin ring assembly during vegetative growth
- eisosomes present in decreased numbers
- elongated C-shaped vegetative cell with long curved interphase microtubules
- elongated J-shaped vegetative cell with curved interphase microtubules
- elongated T-shaped vegetative cell
- elongated actin filaments
- elongated aseptate vegetative cell
- elongated cell
- elongated cell during glucose starvation
- elongated cell during nitrogen starvation
- elongated cell during stationary phase
- elongated cell with abolished shmoo formation
- elongated cell with cell cycle arrest at meiotic G2/MI transition
- elongated kinetochore during mitosis
- elongated linear element
- elongated mononucleate aseptate cell with cell cycle arrest in mitotic S-phase
- elongated mononucleate aseptate vegetative cell
- elongated mononucleate vegetative cell
- elongated monoseptate vegetative cell
- elongated multinucleate aseptate vegetative cell
- elongated multinucleate cell
- elongated multinucleate multiseptate cell, single septa between nuclei
- elongated multinucleate multiseptate cell, single septa between nuclei, during stationary phase
- elongated multinucleate multiseptate spore
- elongated multinucleate multiseptate vegetative cell, irregular septum position
- elongated multinucleate multiseptate vegetative cell, single septa between nuclei
- elongated multinucleate vegetative cell
- elongated multinucleate vegetative cell with multinucleate compartment
- elongated multiseptate vegetative cell
- elongated nucleus
- elongated nucleus during G0
- elongated nucleus during vegetative growth
- elongated septated vegetative cell
- elongated spore
- elongated telomeres during vegetative growth
- elongated tetranucleate vegetative cell
- elongated tetranucleate vegetative cell with fragmented septum
- elongated vegetative cell
- elongated vegetative cell during sulfur starvation
- elongated vegetative cell with cell cycle arrest in mitotic G1 phase
- elongated vegetative cell with central constriction
- elongated vegetative cell with elongated oscillating nucleus
- elongated vegetative cell with fragmented septum and more than four nuclei
- elongated vegetative cell with more than four nuclei
- elongated vegetative cell with oscillating nucleus