Genomic Epidemiology Ontology
829 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 701 to 750 of 829 Records | Page: 15 of 17, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- anterior pancreaticoduodenal lymph node
- anterior superior deep cervical lymph node
- anterior superior pancreaticoduodenal lymph node
- anthrax disease
- anthropised ecosystem
- anthropogenic environment
- anthropogenic environmental material
- anthropogenic geographic feature
- anthropogenic terrestrial biome
- anthropometric measurement
- antibiotic antifungal agent
- antibiotic antifungal drug
- antibiotic fungicide
- antibiotic resistance
- antibiotic resistance not defined
- antibiotic treatment
- antibiotic-free food product claim
- antibiotics required
- antigen
- antigen
- antigenic formula
- antimicrobial agent
- antimicrobial agent name field
- antimicrobial field
- antimicrobial gradient method (E-test)
- antimicrobial phenotype
- antimicrobial resistance (AMR) phenotypic testing characterization tag
- antimicrobial resistance field
- antimicrobial resistance field category
- antimicrobial resistance test drug
- antimicrobial resistance test platform
- antimicrobial resistance testing method device or reagent
- antimicrobial resistance testing reference standard
- antimicrobial resistance testing reference standard version
- antimicrobial resistance tissue specificity
- antimicrobial resistant plasmid type
- antiviral therapy field
- anus
- aortopulmonary lymph node
- apical axillary lymph node
- appendicular lymph node
- apple allergy
- apramycin
- apricot allergy
- aquaculture closed containment pen rearing
- aquaculture open-pen rearing
- aquaculture production
- aquatic biome
- aquatic ecosystem
- arbekacin