Genomic Epidemiology Ontology
723 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 401 to 450 of 723 Records | Page: 9 of 15, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- chlorine molecular entity
- chlorobenzenes
- chloroeremomycin
- chlortetracycline
- cholera
- cholesterol free claim
- cholesterol special claim
- chordate pharynx
- chromenes
- chromenone
- chromium added claim
- chromogenic cephalosporinase test
- chromopeptide
- chromosome coordinate system
- chronic cough
- chronic gastrointestinal disease
- chronic infectious disease course
- chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis
- chuck
- church exposure process
- ciliated columnar epithelium
- ciliated epithelium
- cinnolines
- cinoxacin
- ciprofloxacin
- circle
- circulatory disorder
- circulatory organ
- city
- clarithromycin
- clavulanate
- clavulanic acid
- clindamycin
- clinic exposure process
- clinical or host-associated pathogen
- clinical patient assessment facility
- clinical temporal measurement
- clinical trial sampling strategy
- cloaca
- clofazimine
- clone end data capture
- clone end strategy
- clone ends project
- clone strategy
- close indirect contact
- close interpersonal relationship exposure
- closed animal house
- closing cap or lid
- closing capsule
- cloth