Genomic Epidemiology Ontology
137 terms(s) returned
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- DNAse method
- DNase-Hypersensitivity strategy
- Darwin Core Terms
- DataHarmonizer provenance field
- Deutsches Institut für Normung
- DuPont identification pattern library
- data abstraction details field
- data aggregated
- data authors field
- data enumeration
- data field
- data field category
- data obfuscated
- data protected
- data protection item
- data protection role
- data specification
- database identifiers field category
- date field
- date last seen alive
- date of conception
- date of diagnosis (ISO 8601)
- date of pregnancy outcome
- date value specification
- date value specification (ISO 8601)
- datetime linear coordinate
- datetime range end
- datetime range intermediate
- datetime range item
- datetime range member - UNUSED?
- datetime range start
- datetime set item
- datum status
- daycare exposure process
- de-identified data
- de-novo assembly
- decimal
- decimal quantity unit
- decimal value specification
- dehosting method field
- depth of coverage threshold field
- depth of coverage value field
- designated area on Earth
- destination of most recent travel (city) field
- destination of most recent travel (country) field
- destination of most recent travel (state/province/territory) field
- detection limit
- diagnosis record
- diagnostic pcr Ct value 1 field
- diagnostic pcr Ct value 2 field