Genomic Epidemiology Ontology
341 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 301 to 341 of 341 Records | Page: 7 of 7, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- exposure group healthy count
- exposure group ill count
- exposure group statistics record
- exposure group unknown health status count
- exposure history item
- exposure history record
- exposure process
- exposure setting field
- exposure to abattoir
- exposure to behavior
- exposure to campground
- exposure to construction
- exposure to environmental system
- exposure to farm
- exposure to geographic feature
- exposure to hospital
- exposure to humans
- exposure to hunting
- exposure to individual with diarrhea
- exposure to laboratory
- exposure to office
- exposure to organism
- exposure to petting zoo
- exposure to restaurant
- exposure to retail shop
- exposure to violence
- exposure via diaper changing (human fecal)
- extended organism
- extent of food heat treatment
- external genitalia
- external iliac lymph node
- external integument structure
- external jugular lymph node
- external naris
- external soft tissue zone
- extrapulmonary tuberculosis
- extrinsic cardiomyopathy
- exudate collection
- eye
- eye disease
- eyelid disease