Genomic Epidemiology Ontology
360 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 101 to 150 of 360 Records | Page: 3 of 8, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- fecal indicator
- fecal indicator bacteria count
- fecal material
- feces
- feces (environmental)
- feces (fresh)
- feces collection
- feed history documentation tag
- feedlot
- female
- female pseudohermaphrodite
- female reproductive organ
- female reproductive system disease
- female reproductive system disease
- female with DSD
- femtoliter
- fever (>=38°C)
- fiat object
- fiber special claim
- fibular lymph node
- fidaxomicin
- field
- field experiment sampling
- filet
- filet mignon (North America)
- filling conditions for pasteurization
- filter
- filtration
- finely ground
- finger prick
- finishing strategy
- firefighter role
- first line tuberculosis drug
- first nations reserve exposure process
- first responder role
- first-order administrative region
- fish (portion cut)
- fish (whole or pieces)
- fish allergy
- fish farm
- fish fillet
- fish fillet (breaded)
- fish fillet (breaded, frozen)
- fish fillet (breaded, precooked)
- fish fillet (deep-frozen)
- fish fillet (deep-frozen, unprocessed)
- fish fillet (frozen)
- fish fillet (in tomato sauce)
- fish fillet (quick-frozen in blocks)
- fish fillet (raw)