Genomic Epidemiology Ontology
360 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 301 to 350 of 360 Records | Page: 7 of 8, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- food-grade glass surface
- food-grade metal surface
- food-grade natural-based polymer surface
- food-grade paper product surface
- food-grade plastic surface
- food-grade steel surface
- food-grade textile surface
- food-grade tin surface
- food-grade wax surface
- food-grade wood surface
- foodborne botulism
- foodon product type
- foot
- foot (meat cut)
- foot based unit
- footwear cover
- fore shank
- foregut
- foregut epithelium
- foregut region of duodenum
- forest biome
- forest ecosystem
- forested area
- fork
- format
- formazin nephelometric unit
- fortified food claim
- fosfomycin
- fosmidomycin
- fraction
- framycetin
- free" label claim
- free-range food animal rearing
- freeze-drying
- fresh animal manure
- fresh frozen" label claim
- fresh water
- fresh" label claim
- freshwater biome
- freshwater ecosystem
- freshwater lake biome
- freshwater river biome
- from_schema
- fruit allergy
- fruit ripeness
- full fat claim
- fully heat-treated
- fully vaccinated
- fulminant myocarditis
- fundus of stomach