Genomic Epidemiology Ontology
59 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 59 Records | Page: 1 of 2, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- GENEPIO_0000099
- GENEPIO_0000100
- GENEPIO_0000101
- GENEPIO_0000102
- GENEPIO_0001367
- GENEPIO_0001368
- GENEPIO_0001369
- GENEPIO_0001370
- GENEPIO_0001372
- GENEPIO_0001373
- GENEPIO_0001433
- GISAID accession field
- GISAID virus name field
- GRDI AMR One Health specification
- GSCID-BRC Core Project standard
- GSCID-BRC Core Sample standard
- GSCID-BRC Project and Sample Application Standard
- GenBank accession field
- Genomic Standards Consortium (GSC) standard
- Geonames
- gastric lavage
- gene name
- gene name 1 field
- gene name 2 field
- gene name 3 field
- gene name 4 field
- gene name 5 field
- gene name field
- gene symbol
- generic range history record
- genome annotation algorithm
- genome annotation source
- genome material from specimen
- genome sequencing project
- genome size delta ratio
- genome size delta ratio QC threshold
- genomic orientation
- genomic sequence length specification
- genomic sequencing annotation datum
- genomic source
- genus of pathogen
- geo_loc latitude field
- geo_loc longitude field
- geo_loc name (city) field
- geo_loc name (country) field
- geo_loc name (county/region) field
- geo_loc name (site) field
- geo_loc name (state/province/territory) field