Genomic Epidemiology Ontology
61 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 61 Records | Page: 1 of 2, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- lab host field
- lab test datum
- lab test history record
- lab test record
- lab test result date
- laboratory data
- laboratory sequencing datum
- laboratory worker role
- landmark
- last resort antibiotic
- latitude and longitude coordinate (ISO 6709)
- latitude and longitude coordinate (NCBI BioSample format)
- latitude specification (ISO 6709)
- less than
- less than or equal to
- library ID field
- library construction protocol
- library name
- library preparation kit
- library preparation kit field
- library preparation kit version
- library selection
- library source
- library strategy
- lifespan history item
- lifespan history record
- limited data set
- line list object
- line list row record
- lineage and variant information field category
- lineage/clade analysis software name field
- lineage/clade analysis software version field
- lineage/clade name field
- linear coordinate
- lingual set
- listeria antigen
- listeria antigen specification
- listeria serotype 1/2
- listeria serotype 1/2a
- listeria serotype 1/2b
- listeria serotype 1/2c
- listeria serotype 3a
- listeria serotype 3b
- listeria serotype 3c
- listeria serotype 4a
- listeria serotype 4b
- listeria serotype 4c
- listeria serotype 4d
- listeria serotype 4e