Genomic Epidemiology Ontology
389 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 301 to 350 of 389 Records | Page: 7 of 8, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- organization
- organization identifier
- organization of sequencing facility contact person
- organization of specimen collector
- organization of specimen provider principal investigator
- organizational term
- organoarsenic compound
- organobromine compound
- organochalcogen compound
- organochlorine compound
- organofluorine compound
- organohalogen compound
- organometalloidal compound
- organonitrogen compound
- organonitrogen heterocyclic antibiotic
- organonitrogen heterocyclic compound
- organooxygen compound
- organooxygen heterocyclic antibiotic
- organophosphorus compound
- organosulfur compound
- organosulfur heterocyclic compound
- organs or organ parts
- oriented polypropylene container
- orifice
- origin
- original sample description field
- original submission
- oritavancin
- ornithosis
- oropharyngeal anthrax
- oropharynx
- osmotic dehydration
- osteomyelitis
- other (metadata value)
- other antigen specification
- other capture type
- other exposure setting exposure process
- other human exposure
- other ingredient- or constituent-related claim
- other library method
- other library source
- other library strategy
- other material derived from specimen
- other project data type
- other project method
- other project objective
- other relevance
- other special claim
- other specimen scope
- otitis