Genomic Epidemiology Ontology
388 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 151 to 200 of 388 Records | Page: 4 of 8, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- taxonomic rank
- tazobactam
- teaspoon
- teaspoon based unit
- technical replicate
- teenager as food consumer
- teflon surface
- teicoplanin A2
- teicoplanin A2-3
- telavancin
- telithromycin
- temperature
- temperature of air - average daily
- temperature of sample
- temperature unit
- temple exposure process
- temporal interpretation
- temporal measurement
- temporary residence exposure process
- tenderloin
- tens
- tenths
- teriyaki cooking method
- terizidone
- term as in existing standard
- term editor
- term replaced by
- term source
- term tracker item
- terminal part of digestive tract
- terrace
- terrestrial biome
- terrestrial ecosystem
- terrestrial environmental zone
- tertiary alcohol
- tertiary alpha-hydroxy ketone
- tertiary amino compound
- tertiary carboxamide
- tertiary neurosyphilis
- tertiary syphilis
- test drug maximum concentration
- test drug maximum concentration specification
- test drug minimum concentration
- test drug minimum concentration specification
- test history item
- test specification
- test threshold measurement comparator
- tetanus
- tetanus neonatorum
- tetracyclines