Genomic Epidemiology Ontology
388 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 251 to 300 of 388 Records | Page: 6 of 8, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- time value specification
- time-kill test
- timepoint
- tin plate container
- tin solder
- tinidazole
- tinless steel plate container
- tissue
- tissue paper
- tissue paper container
- title
- to be replaced with external ontology term
- tobramycin
- toddler as food consumer, 12 months and onwards
- toilet bowl
- tomato allergy
- tooth decay-related claim
- total RNA extract
- total coliform count microbiological quantification tag
- total fecal coliform count microbiological quantification tag
- total phosphorous concentration
- toxic shock syndrome
- trachea
- tracheal aspirate specimen
- tracheal aspiration
- tracheobronchial lymph node
- trachoma
- traditional composition claim
- traditional food claim
- traditional ingredient claim
- traditional type of production and/or processing claim
- train
- train travel
- tranche (meat cut)
- tranche grasse
- trans fat claim
- transcript or protein expression objective
- transcriptome data from specimen
- transcriptome or gene expression
- transcriptomic source
- transfeminine
- transgender
- transgender and gender nonconforming
- transmasculine
- transmission of infection
- transmission probability
- transmitted by
- transport
- transport feature
- transport truck driver