Genotype Ontology
41 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 41 of 41 Records | Page: 1 of 1, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- G_to_A_transition
- G_to_C_transversion
- G_to_T_transversion
- gained aneusomic chromosomal segment
- gained aneusomic chromosome
- gene
- gene allele
- gene knockdown reagent
- gene part
- gene product
- gene symbol
- gene trap insertion
- gene_trap_construct
- generated ontology module
- generically dependent continuant
- genetic material
- genome
- genomic background
- genomic entity
- genomic feature
- genomic feature location
- genomic feature set
- genomic genotype
- genomic genotype (sex-agnostic)
- genomic genotype (sex-qualified)
- genomic material
- genomic sequence
- genomic sequence set
- genomic variation complement
- genotype
- genotype-phenotype association
- germline allele origin
- gneg
- gpos
- gpos100
- gpos25
- gpos33
- gpos50
- gpos66
- gpos75
- gvar