Gene Ontology
771 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 601 to 650 of 771 Records | Page: 13 of 16, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- bone mineralization involved in bone maturation
- bone morphogenesis
- bone regeneration
- bone remodeling
- bone resorption
- bone sialoprotein binding
- bone trabecula formation
- bone trabecula morphogenesis
- borate binding
- borate channel activity
- borate efflux transmembrane transporter activity
- borate export across plasma membrane
- borate transmembrane transport
- borate transport
- border follicle cell delamination
- border follicle cell migration
- boss receptor activity
- bounding membrane of organelle
- box C/D RNP complex
- box C/D methylation guide RNP complex
- box C/D methylation guide scaRNP complex
- box C/D methylation guide snoRNP complex
- box C/D methylation guide snoRNP complex binding
- box C/D pre-rRNA cleavage RNP complex
- box C/D sno(s)RNA 3'-end processing
- box C/D sno(s)RNA 5'-end processing
- box C/D sno(s)RNA binding
- box C/D sno(s)RNA metabolic process
- box C/D sno(s)RNA processing
- box C/D snoRNP assembly
- box H/ACA RNP complex
- box H/ACA scaRNP complex
- box H/ACA sno(s)RNA 3'-end processing
- box H/ACA sno(s)RNA metabolic process
- box H/ACA sno(s)RNA processing
- box H/ACA snoRNA binding
- box H/ACA snoRNP assembly
- box H/ACA snoRNP complex
- box H/ACA snoRNP complex binding
- box H/ACA telomerase RNP complex
- bract development
- bract formation
- bract morphogenesis
- bradykinin biosynthetic process
- bradykinin catabolic process
- bradykinin receptor activity
- bradykinin receptor binding
- brahma complex
- brain development
- brain morphogenesis