Gene Ontology
1030 terms(s) returned
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- (hydroxyamino)benzene mutase activity
- H zone
- H-NS complex
- H-NS-Cnu complex
- H-NS-Hha complex
- H-gal-GP complex
- H1 histamine receptor binding
- H1 histone chaperone activity
- H2 histamine receptor binding
- H2A-H2B histone complex chaperone activity
- H3 histamine receptor binding
- H3 histone acetyltransferase complex
- H3-H4 histone complex chaperone activity
- H4 histamine receptor binding
- H4 histone acetyltransferase complex
- H4/H2A histone acetyltransferase complex
- H9 melatonin receptor binding
- HAUS complex
- HCN channel complex
- HDA1 complex
- HDEL sequence binding
- HDL-containing protein-lipid-RNA complex
- HECT domain binding
- HFE-transferrin receptor complex
- HICS complex
- HIR complex
- HLA-A specific activating MHC class I receptor activity
- HLA-A specific inhibitory MHC class I receptor activity
- HLA-B specific inhibitory MHC class I receptor activity
- HLA-C specific inhibitory MHC class I receptor activity
- HLA-E specific inhibitory MHC class Ib receptor activity
- HLA-G specific inhibitory MHC class Ib receptor activity
- HLH domain binding
- HMG box domain binding
- HNK-1 sulfotransferase activity
- HOPS complex
- HRI-mediated signaling
- HSP90-CDC37 chaperone complex
- HU-DNA complex
- HULC complex
- Harderian gland development
- Hda-beta clamp complex
- Hechtian strand
- Hedgehog signaling complex
- Herring body
- His-Purkinje system cell development
- His-Purkinje system cell differentiation
- His-Purkinje system cell fate commitment
- His-Purkinje system development
- Holliday junction helicase complex