Human Ancestry Ontology
27 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 27 of 27 Records | Page: 1 of 1, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- Pana
- Papel
- Pedi
- Pende
- Podoko
- Pokomo
- Pokot
- Population_group
- Punu
- Pygmy Central
- Pygmy Eastern
- Pygmy Southern
- population:101lasttribes
- population:distribution
- population:genetic:RefChromY
- population:genetic:RefMitochondrialHap
- population:genetic:chromosomeYHap
- population:genetic:mitochondrialHap
- population:genetic:study
- population:googlebook
- population:joshuaproject:description
- population:language:spoken
- population:microbiome:study
- population:peoplegroups:description
- population:size
- population:synonym
- population:wikipedia:description