Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology
50 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 50 Records | Page: 1 of 1, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- ectophallus
- edge
- egg
- egg canal
- eighth flagellomere
- eleventh flagellomere
- empodium
- encircling groove
- endite
- endocuticle
- endophallus
- epicnemial carina
- epicnemial pit
- epicnemium
- epicoxal lobe
- epicoxal sulcus
- epicranial suture
- epicuticle
- epidermis
- epimeral notch
- epimeron
- epipharyngeal brush
- epipharyngeal muscle
- epipharyngeal wall
- epipharynx
- epiproct
- epipygium
- episternal foveae
- episternum
- epistomal declivity
- epistomal distance
- epistomal line
- epistomal ridge
- epistomal sulcus
- epithelial cell
- epithelium
- epomial carina
- ergot
- eusternum
- evaporatorium
- exocuticle
- external area of the scape
- external female genitalia
- external male genitalia
- external paramera
- extraembryonic structure
- extrinsic muscle of the antenna
- exuvia
- eye height
- eye-torulus distance