Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology
64 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 64 Records | Page: 1 of 2, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- gaine
- galea
- galeal comb
- galeal comb
- galeal crown
- galeal fringe
- galeal lamina
- galeal midrib
- galeo-lacinial complex
- gaster
- gastral scrobe
- gastral spiracles
- gastral sternum
- gastral tail
- gastral tergite
- gastral tergum
- gastrocoelus
- gena
- gena contour line
- genal bridge
- genal carina
- genal patch
- genal pilosity
- genal space
- genital membrane
- genitalia
- genuflexor apodeme
- genuflexor plate
- genuflexor plate of the fore leg
- genuflexor plate of the hind leg
- genuflexor plate of the mid leg
- gland
- glandular release pit of the scutellum
- glossa
- glossal annulus
- glossal styloconic sensillum
- glymma
- gonad
- gonochoristic organism
- gonocondyle
- gonoforceps
- gonomacula
- gonopod
- gonossiculal muscle
- gonossiculo-phallotremal muscle
- gonossiculus
- gonostipes
- gonostipes/volsella complex
- gonostipital arm
- gonostipo-volsellal muscle