Human Phenotype Ontology
298 terms(s) returned
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- Ammon's horn
- abdomen
- abdomen blood vessel
- abdomen connective tissue
- abdomen element
- abdomen musculature
- abdomen nerve
- abdominal aorta
- abdominal aorta artery
- abdominal cavity
- abdominal external oblique muscle
- abdominal fascia
- abdominal fat pad
- abdominal ganglion
- abdominal internal oblique muscle
- abdominal lymph node
- abdominal mammary gland
- abdominal oblique muscle
- abdominal segment blood vessel
- abdominal segment bone
- abdominal segment connective tissue
- abdominal segment element
- abdominal segment muscle
- abdominal segment of trunk
- abdominal segment skin
- abdominal viscera
- abdominal wall
- abdominopelvic cavity
- abducens nerve
- abducens nucleus
- accessory XI nerve
- accessory XI nerve nucleus
- accessory ciliary ganglion
- acellular anatomical structure
- acellular membrane
- acetabular fossa
- acetabular notch
- acetabular part of hip bone
- acinus of areolar gland
- acinus of exocrine gland
- acinus of lacrimal gland
- acinus of lactiferous gland
- acinus of parotid gland
- acinus of salivary gland
- acinus of sebaceous gland
- acoustico-facial VII-VIII ganglion complex
- acromioclavicular joint
- acromion
- acropodial skeleton
- acropodium region