Human Phenotype Ontology
1170 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 1170 Records | Page: 1 of 24, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- EBV encephalitis
- EBV meningitis
- EEG abnormality
- EEG with 4-5/second background activity
- EEG with abnormally slow frequencies
- EEG with burst suppression
- EEG with central epileptiform discharges
- EEG with central focal spike waves
- EEG with central focal spikes
- EEG with central sharp slow waves
- EEG with central sharp waves
- EEG with centrotemporal epileptiform discharges
- EEG with centrotemporal focal spike waves
- EEG with changes in voltage
- EEG with constitutional variants
- EEG with continuous slow activity
- EEG with diffuse acceleration
- EEG with focal epileptiform discharges
- EEG with focal sharp slow waves
- EEG with focal sharp waves
- EEG with focal slow activity
- EEG with focal spike waves
- EEG with focal spikes
- EEG with frontal epileptiform discharges
- EEG with frontal focal spike waves
- EEG with frontal focal spikes
- EEG with frontal sharp slow waves
- EEG with frontal sharp waves
- EEG with generalized epileptiform discharges
- EEG with generalized low amplitude activity
- EEG with generalized polymorphic epileptiform discharges
- EEG with generalized polyspikes
- EEG with generalized sharp slow waves
- EEG with generalized slow activity
- EEG with generalized slow activity grade 1
- EEG with generalized slow activity grade 2
- EEG with generalized slow activity grade 3
- EEG with generalized slow activity grade 4
- EEG with generalized spikes
- EEG with hyperventilation-induced epileptiform discharges
- EEG with hyperventilation-induced focal epileptiform discharges
- EEG with hyperventilation-induced generalized epileptiform discharges
- EEG with intermittent slow activity
- EEG with irregular generalized spike and wave complexes
- EEG with localized low amplitude activity
- EEG with multifocal slow activity
- EEG with occipital epileptiform discharges
- EEG with occipital focal spike waves
- EEG with occipital focal spikes
- EEG with occipital sharp slow waves