Human Phenotype Ontology
54 terms(s) returned
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- F4/80-negative adipose macrophage
- F4/80-positive adipose macrophage
- Fc-epsilon RIalpha-high basophil progenitor cell
- Fc-epsilon RIalpha-low mast cell progenitor
- fallopian tube epithelial cell
- fallopian tube smooth muscle cell
- female germ cell
- female germ line stem cell
- fenestrated endothelial cell
- fetal liver hematopoietic progenitor cell
- fetal pre-type II pulmonary alveolar epithelial cell
- fetal thymocyte
- fibroblast
- fibroblast of areolar connective tissue
- fibroblast of arm
- fibroblast of breast
- fibroblast of cardiac tissue
- fibroblast of choroid plexus
- fibroblast of dense regular elastic tissue
- fibroblast of dermis
- fibroblast of gingiva
- fibroblast of lung
- fibroblast of lymphatic vessel
- fibroblast of mammary gland
- fibroblast of pedal digit skin
- fibroblast of peridontal ligament
- fibroblast of periodontium
- fibroblast of pulmonary artery
- fibroblast of skin of abdomen
- fibroblast of skin of back
- fibroblast of skin of scalp
- fibroblast of the aortic adventitia
- fibroblast of the conjunctiva
- fibroblast of tunica adventitia of artery
- fibroblast of upper back skin
- fibroblast of upper leg skin
- flagellated sperm cell
- foam cell
- follicular B cell
- folliculostellate cell
- folliculostellate cell of pars distalis of adenohypophysis
- forebrain neuroblast
- forebrain radial glial cell
- foreskin fibroblast
- foreskin keratinocyte
- foreskin melanocyte
- fraction A pre-pro B cell
- fraction B precursor B cell
- fraction B/C precursor B cell
- fraction C precursor B cell