Malaria Ontology
87 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 51 to 87 of 87 Records | Page: 2 of 2, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- dicofol
- dicrotophos
- diel periodicity of sugar feeding
- dieldrin
- differential CYP12 level
- differential CYP15 level
- differential CYP3 level
- differential CYP4 level
- differential CYP6 level
- differential CYP9 level
- diflubenzuron
- digestion of food
- dimethoate
- dimethylvinphos
- dinotefuran
- diptera
- direct klinokinesis
- direct malaria transmission
- direct orthokinesis
- discarded container
- disease vector population
- disposition
- disruption of body surface
- distention of midgut
- distilled water
- disulfoton
- ditch
- diuresis
- dizziness
- domestic behaviour
- door screen
- dormancy
- doxycycline
- doxycycline plus quinine
- drainage
- drainage ditch
- drug role