Malaria Ontology
96 terms(s) returned
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- FMP1/AS02(A )
- Fabaceae
- Fas-induced apoptosis
- Fc receptor complex
- Fc receptor recognition
- Fc-gamma receptor I complex
- Fc-gamma receptor I recognition
- Field's staining
- First Response Malaria Ag Combo (pLDH/HRP2)
- First Response Malaria Ag HRP2
- FirstSign-Malaria Pf Card Test
- FirstSign-ParaView-2 (Pv + Pf) Card Test
- factor
- facultative autogeny
- falciparum malaria
- famphur
- fat body factor
- fat metabolism
- fatigue
- febrile convulsions
- febrile paroxysm
- feces
- feeding on plant sugar
- female
- female blood gametocyte stage
- female gametogenesis
- female mosquito gametocyte stage
- female sexual refractoriness
- female sexual responsiveness
- fenamiphos
- fenazaquin
- fenbutatin oxide
- fenitrothion
- fenobucarb
- fenoxycarb
- fenpropathrin
- fenpyroximate
- fensulfothion
- fenthion
- fenvalerate
- fertilization (sensu Anophelinae)
- fertilization (sensu Plasmodium)
- fever
- fiat object part
- fiat process part
- fiat process part of malaria host
- fiat process part of malaria vector
- filling
- fipronil
- fipronil / phenylpyrazole