Malaria Ontology
64 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 64 Records | Page: 1 of 2, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- LSA-1
- LSA-3
- Lagenidium
- Lido system
- Lippia
- Lippia chevalieri
- Loganiaceae
- Lophopodomyia
- label
- labellar response
- lagoon
- lake
- lambda-cyhalothrin
- laminin gamma1
- large open marsh
- larva
- larval behavioural process
- larval crawling
- larval development
- larval diving
- larval drinking
- larval excretion
- larval feeding behaviour
- larval gliding
- larval growth
- larval instar
- larval kinesis
- larval locomotion
- larval nutrition
- larval respiration
- larval spectral sensitivity
- larval stage
- larval swimming
- larval vision
- larval-larval ecdysis
- larval-pupal ecdysis
- larvivorous fish
- lassitude
- late phase
- latency
- lemurs
- leukocyte
- leukocyte activation during immune response
- leukocyte degranulation
- leukocyte mediated cytotoxic response
- lincomycin
- lindane
- lipid absorption
- lipid catabolic process
- lipid synthesis inhibitor