Malaria Ontology
49 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 49 of 49 Records | Page: 1 of 1, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- OBI_0000181
- OBO_REL_0000033
- OBO_REL_0000035
- OnSight-ParaQuick (Pan, Pf) Test
- One Step Malaria Antigen Strip
- OptiMAL-IT
- object
- object aggregate
- object boundary
- obligatory autogeny
- occurent
- occurrence of malaria
- octopaminergic agonist
- omethoate
- ommatidial acceptance angle
- onset of activity in crepuscular species
- onset of delayed inhibition of responsiveness
- onset of immediate inhibition of responsiveness
- oocyst formation
- oocyst maturation
- oocyst stage
- ookinete formation
- ookinete stage
- oostasis
- open stream with vegetation
- open well
- opsonization
- optomotor response
- orangutan
- organelle
- organelle synthesis in midgut cells
- organism
- organophosphate
- organotin miticide
- orientation towards the source of an odour plume
- orthokinesis
- osmotic and ionic regulation
- outbreak
- ovale malaria
- ovalocytosis
- ovarian cycle
- ovarian developmental stages according Christophers
- ovarian developmental stages according Troy et al.
- oviposition
- ovitrap survey
- ovulation
- oxamyl
- oxidative phosphorylation inhibitor
- oxydemeton-methyl