Malaria Ontology
190 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 51 to 100 of 190 Records | Page: 2 of 4, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- sensory perception
- sensory perception of sound
- sequestration in malaria
- serological method
- seroprevalence
- sesamex
- sesamolin
- severe malaria
- severe throbbing headache
- sexual behaviour
- sexual differentiation
- sexual refractoriness
- sexual responsiveness and refractoriness
- shading of stream banks
- shivering
- short-range approach to the host
- short-range approach, alighting and exploration
- shorthand
- shredding
- silafluofen
- simple meal
- simultaneous resistance to multiple drugs
- single feeding
- site
- skin-hopping
- slightly stratified estuary
- small collection of brackish water
- small pond
- small pool
- snap_Quality
- sodium channel mediated resistance
- sodium channel modulator
- space swarm
- spatial region
- spatiotemporal instant
- spatiotemporal interval
- spatiotemporal region
- specific adherence
- specifically dependent continuant
- spinosad
- spirodiclofen
- spiromesifen
- spirotetramat
- spleen examination
- splenic enlargement
- splenic rupture
- sporadic malaria
- sporogony
- sporozoite rate
- sporozoite stage