Event (INOH pathway ontology)
296 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 251 to 296 of 296 Records | Page: 6 of 6, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- Dissociation of TRADD:TRAF2:RIP complex and TNF alpha:TNFR1 in cytosol
- Dissociation of TRAF6:TAK1:TAB1:TAB2 and IRAK in cytosol
- Dissociation of Toll:MyD88:Tube and Pelle in cytosol
- Dissociation of Toll:dMyD88:Tube and Pelle [Drosophila]
- Dissociation of cGMP and cGMP activated cation ion channel and the channel closing in cytosol
- Dissociation of calcium ion and PKC
- Dissociation of calcium ion and cPKC
- Dissociation of cytokine receptor and STAT in cytosol
- Dissociation of insulin and insulin receptor in extracellular
- Dissociation of magnesium ion and NMDA receptor in plasma membrane
- Dissociation of phosphatidylserine and PKC in plasma membrane
- Dissociation of phosphatidylserine and PKC theta in plasma membrane
- Dissociation of phosphatidylserine and cPKC in plasma membrane
- Dissociation outside the ER membrane
- Dissociation outside the mitochondria membrane
- Dissociation outside the nuclear membrane
- Disulfide binding
- Diterpenoid biosynthesis
- Dopamine + H2O + O2 => 3,4-Dihydroxy-phenyl-acetaldehyde + NH3 + H2O2( EC: )
- Dopamine + L-Ascorbic acid + O2 => L-Noradrenaline + L-Dehydro-ascorbic acid + H2O( EC: )
- Dormancy
- Dorsal signaling
- Dorsal signaling [Drosophila]
- Drosophila IMD pathway [Drosophila]
- Drosophila Toll-like receptor signaling
- dADP + Phosphoenol-pyruvic acid => dATP + Pyruvic acid( EC: )
- dAMP + H2O => Deoxy-adenosine + Orthophosphate( EC: )
- dCMP + H2O => Deoxy-cytidine + Orthophosphate( EC: )
- dCMP + H2O => dUMP + NH3( EC: )
- dGDP + Phosphoenol-pyruvic acid => dGTP + Pyruvic acid( EC: )
- dGMP + H2O => Deoxy-guanosine + Orthophosphate( EC: )
- dGTP + H2O => dGMP + Pyrophosphate( EC: )
- dITP + H2O => dIMP + Pyrophosphate( EC: )
- dTDP + H2O => dTMP + Orthophosphate( EC: )
- dTMP + H2O => Thymidine + Orthophosphate( EC: )
- dTTP + H2O => dTDP + Orthophosphate( EC: )
- dUMP + 5,10-Methylene-tetrahydro-folic acid => dTMP + 7,8-Dihydro-folic acid( EC: )
- dUTP + H2O => dUMP + Pyrophosphate( EC: )
- dUTP + H2O => dUMP + Pyrophosphate( EC: )
- database_cross_reference
- date
- default-namespace
- definition
- deprecated
- dinucleotide + H2O = 2 mononucleotide( EC: )
- double nonmonotonic interaction