Interaction Network Ontology
176 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 176 Records | Page: 1 of 4, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- Bayesian network
- accessory regulation
- activation
- activation of gene transcription
- activation of gene transcription by high level protein
- activation of gene transcription by low level protein
- activation of gene transcription by phosphorylated protein
- activator
- activator role
- antagonism
- antigen-antibody interaction
- attenuation
- autophosphorylation
- bacterial conjugation
- biochemical degradation
- cell-cell interaction
- cell-environment interaction
- chemical reaction catalyst
- chemical reaction catalyst role
- co-expression
- co-regulation
- co-regulation of transcription
- coimmunoprecipitation
- competition
- controling
- controls
- conversion
- cooperation
- coprecipitation
- correlation
- costimulation
- cross-immunoprecipitation interaction
- deactivator role
- decrease
- deregulation
- destabilization
- disruption
- dissociation
- dominant regulation
- down-regulation
- downexpression
- edge
- elimination
- epithelial cell-pathogen interaction
- epithelial cell-pathogen protein-protein interaction
- example of literature mining keyword usage
- export
- gene activation
- gene expression
- gene expression down-regulation