clinical LABoratory Ontology
30 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 30 of 30 Records | Page: 1 of 1, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- laboratory result
- laboratory result-based calculated data item
- laboratory result-based range calculated data item
- laboratory result-based ratio calculated data item
- laboratory result-based scalar calculated data item
- laboratory test
- laboratory test definition range
- laboratory test directive item
- laboratory test directive item group
- laboratory test identifier
- laboratory test name
- laboratory test objective specification
- laboratory test prescription
- laboratory test report document
- laboratory test reporting group
- laboratory test reporting information
- laboratory test reporting item
- laboratory test reporting item identifier
- laboratory test reporting item time specification
- laboratory test result item
- laboratory test result normal range
- laboratory test result normal range lower bound
- laboratory test result normal range upper bound
- laboratory test specification
- laboratory test specimen specification
- laboratory test specimen type specification
- laboratory test start time specification
- laboratory test status specification
- lower bound
- lower bound inclusion specification