Mouse adult gross anatomy
275 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 201 to 250 of 275 Records | Page: 5 of 6, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- prescapular lymph node
- presphenoid bone
- presubiculum
- pretectal region
- pretracheal muscle
- pretubular aggregate
- prevertebral ganglion
- prevertebral muscle of neck
- primary choana
- primary motor cortex
- primary palate
- primary somatosensory cortex
- primary visual cortex
- principal artery to forelimb
- principal artery to hindlimb
- principal nucleus
- principal vein of forelimb
- principal vein of hindlimb
- profunda brachii artery
- profunda femoris artery
- pronator teres
- proper hepatic artery
- proper palmar digital arteries
- proper palmar vein
- proper plantar digital arteries
- proper plantar vein
- prostate duct
- prostate gland
- prostate gland anterior lobe
- prostate gland dorsal lobe
- prostate gland dorsolateral lobe
- prostate gland epithelium
- prostate gland lateral lobe
- prostate gland lobe
- prostate gland secretion
- prostate gland smooth muscle
- prostate gland stroma
- prostate gland ventral lobe
- prostatic urethra
- proximal carpal bone
- proximal caudal femoral vein
- proximal convoluted tubule
- proximal convoluted tubule convoluted part
- proximal convoluted tubule neck
- proximal convoluted tubule straight part
- proximal nail bed
- proximal phalanx
- proximal radio-ulnar joint
- proximal rib
- proximal sesamoid bone of foot