Model Card Report Ontology
41 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 41 of 41 Records | Page: 1 of 1, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- M-estimation regression
- MAQC data
- MAS5
- MATLAB language
- MCR algorithm
- MHAS Data Policy
- MI
- MIACA Full Copyright
- MIT License
- MPL v1.1
- MPL v2.0
- Mahalanobis distance
- Maintained
- Maple
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo
- MathML 2.0
- Mathematica
- Matlab .m file
- Median Average Difference Algorithm
- Meta data
- Microsoft Word doc
- Misclassification-Penalized Posteriors (MiPP)
- Mixed model equations
- Modified BSD
- Modified version of the GLAD algorithm (Gain and Loss Analysis of DNA)
- Monte Carlo
- Multinomial probit regression with Gaussian Process priors
- Multiple testing
- Multivariate correlation estimator
- Multivariate t mixture models
- Mutual information matrix (MIM)
- manage computer operations
- mas5 format
- matrix manipulation
- miRTaBase Data License
- molecular sequence analysis
- mrnet algorithm
- multiple sequence alignment