Mammalian Feeding Muscle Ontology
1091 terms(s) returned
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- 2D boundary of
- A muscle of the skin of the head (scalp), innervated by the facial nerve, attached to facia of the skin superior to the orbits (superciliary region), overlapping with the procerus muscles, and attched to the facia of the scalp (galea aponurotica or epicranial aponeurosis in humans). In mammals other than humans, there is no large facia present and the most rostral fibers of the occipitalis are attached to the skin near or even overlapping with the fibers of the frontalis muscle.See Diogo 2008; Diogo et al., 2009; Burrows et al.., 2011.
- Baboon temporalis muscle
- CHEBI_50906
- CL_0000101
- DEPRECATED bearer of
- DEPRECATED inheres in
- Eutherian genioglossus muscle
- GO_0004872
- GO_0019107
- Human Anterior Digastric Muscle
- Human Genioglosssus Muscle
- Human Hyoglossus Muscle
- Human Masseter Muscle
- Human Medial Pterygoid Muscle
- Human Posterior Digastric Muscle
- Human Sternothyroid muscle
- Human Stylohyoid Muscle
- Human Temporalis Muscle
- Human buccinator muscle
- Human geniohyoid muscle
- Human inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle
- Human intrinsic tongue muscles
- Human lateral pterygoid muscle
- Human levator veli palatini muscle
- Human middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle
- Human mylohyoid muscle
- Human omohyoid muscle
- Human orbicularis oris muscle
- Human palatopharyngeus muscle
- Human platysma muscle
- Human salpingopharyngeus muscle
- Human sternohyoid muscle
- Human styloglossus Muscle
- Human superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle
- Human tensor veli palatini muscle
- Human uvular muscle
- Image
- OBO foundry unique label
- acid-amino acid ligase activity
- acquires nutrients from
- active ingredient in
- acts on population of
- acts upstream of
- acts upstream of or within
- acts upstream of or within, negative effect
- acts upstream of or within, positive effect
- acts upstream of, negative effect
- acts upstream of, positive effect
- adductor mandibulae externus medialis muscle