Mammalian Feeding Muscle Ontology
1091 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 901 to 950 of 1091 Records | Page: 19 of 22, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- related via exposure to
- related via localization to
- relation between physical entity and a process or stage
- relation has no temporal argument
- releases neurotransmitter
- represses expression of
- requires discussion
- results in acquisition of features of
- results in adhesion of
- results in assembly of
- results in breakdown of
- results in catabolism of
- results in changes to anatomical or cellular structure
- results in closure of
- results in commitment to
- results in determination of
- results in development of
- results in developmental induction of
- results in developmental progression of
- results in developmental regression of
- results in disappearance of
- results in disassembly of
- results in ending of
- results in formation of
- results in fusion of
- results in growth of
- results in maturation of
- results in morphogenesis of
- results in movement of
- results in organization of
- results in remodeling of
- results in specification of
- results in structural organization of
- results in synthesis of
- results in transport across
- results in transport along
- results in transport to from or in
- retractor anguli oris muscle
- ribosomal translation of
- ribosomally translates to
- right
- risorius muscle
- role
- role of
- root parasite of
- runs through
- salpingopharyngeus muscle
- scalp
- scapula bone
- seeAlso