Emotion Ontology
740 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 551 to 600 of 740 Records | Page: 12 of 15, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- not speaking
- object
- object aggregate
- obo basic subset ontology module
- observational learning
- obsolescence reason specification
- occurrent
- olfactory behavior
- olfactory consciousness
- olfactory learning
- one-dimensional continuant fiat boundary
- one-dimensional spatial region
- one-dimensional temporal region
- ontology module
- ontology module subsetted by OWL profile
- ontology module subsetted by expressivity
- ontology term requester
- opening eyes widely
- openness to experience
- operant conditioning
- optokinetic behavior
- optomotor response
- oral incubation
- organizational term
- orgasm
- out of scope
- oviposition
- panic
- parental behavior
- part of continuant at some time
- part of occurrent
- participates in at some time
- passionate love
- paternal behavior
- pattern orientation
- pending final vetting
- perception
- personality
- personality trait
- perspiring
- perspiring (hands)
- perspiring (whole body)
- pharyngeal pumping
- physical pleasure
- physiological process involved in an emotion
- placeholder removed
- planning
- pleasure (emotion)
- positive emotion
- positive regulation of female receptivity